RPCG Annual Meeting
10:00- 1:00 PM February 27, 2024
Taylor Co Expo Center, Abilene, TX

The Rolling Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. began in 1964 as a way for growers across the region to improve the conditions under which rolling plains cotton is produced and sold. We represent growers across 31 counties of the central and northern Rolling Plains of Texas and work with industry partners across all segments of the industry. For over 50 years, our grower leaders have represented the industry on various state and national boards and committees with the goal of having a seat at the table to serve as a voice for our region.
Keep up with us on Facebook or sign up to receive our newsletter below.
Rolling Plains Cotton Growers is chaired by volunteer industry leaders. We serve as the voice for regional cotton producers and allied industry members in Austin & Washington and we work closely with elected officials on the matters that mean the most to our industry.
Chairman- Roscoe, TX
President - Avoca, TX
Vice President - Wellington, TX
Director Region 1 - Snyder, TX
Director Region 2 - Stamford, TX
Secretary/Treasurer- Snyder, TX
Director Region 3- Munday, TX
Director Region 4- Wellington, TX
Rolling Plains Cotton Growers hosts and attends cotton, textile, & agriculture industry meetings and expos throughout the year. Come see us in person to learn more about what is going on in our industry and join the conversation about cotton industry legislation.
10:00- 1:00 PM February 27, 2024
Taylor Co Expo Center, Abilene, TX
March 4, 2025
Austin, TX
Rolling Plains Cotton Growers
PO Box 1108
Stamford, TX 79553
Rolling Plains Cotton Growers is your voice in Austin & Washington and we want to hear from you. Please use the form below to share your questions and concerns about legislation and legal matters relating to the cotton growing & textile industry.
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